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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 19 - Culver City - Mar Vista - Palms

AYSO Region 19 Coaches’ Sideline Responsibilities

Thank you for the time and effort you dedicate to our players. As a coach, you are a leader and role model, shaping the environment for your team, parents, and spectators. Together with referees, you help create a Safe, Fair, and Fun space where players can grow, while upholding respect for referees, opponents, and all participants.

Coaches' Responsibilities

  • Create a Positive Environment: Encourage sportsmanship and positive behavior from players and parents.

  • Respect Referees and Officials: Referees may make mistakes, as we all do, but these should never disrupt the game. If you believe a referee needs improvement, contact the Regional Referee Administrator. Public dissent is not permitted.

  • Address Inappropriate Behavior: Ensure coaches, players, and spectators refrain from offensive language, harassment, or violence.

  • Manage Your Sidelines: You are responsible for addressing inappropriate behavior from your team's parents and spectators.

  • Wear Your Coach Shirt: Coaches and assistant coaches must wear their designated shirt to distinguish themselves from spectators and to ensure clear communication with referees.

Unacceptable Behaviors

  • Dissent: Disputing referee decisions, leaving the technical area, or using gestures of dissent.

  • Over-Coaching: Providing excessive or distracting instructions that disrupt players or referees.

  • Interfering with Play: Disrupting the game or interfering with players on the field.

  • Hostile Behavior: Yelling at referees, players, or others in a hostile manner.

Referee Instructions for Coach Actions on Sideline Misconduct (Parents and Spectators)

  1. Ask: The referee will ask the coach to address negative behavior from parents or spectators. This is an opportunity for the coach to remind their sidelines of appropriate conduct.

  2. Warn: If the behavior continues, the referee will issue a formal warning to the coach, making it clear that the inappropriate behavior must stop immediately.

  3. Dismiss: If the behavior persists, the referee will instruct the coach to have the individual responsible removed from the match area. If the person refuses to leave, the referee may delay or terminate the game.

Referee Actions for Coach Misconduct

Referees have full authority to manage games. Coaches engaging in dissent, inappropriate language, or aggression will face:

  • Caution (Yellow Card): For dissent or failure to manage sideline behavior.

  • Send-off (Red Card): For persistent or severe misconduct, including unwillingness to control the sideline.

  • Further Disciplinary Action: May result in suspension or removal from Region 19.

  • Game Termination: If a coach is dismissed and no certified assistant coach is present, the game will be terminated.

Coach Contact Information

Region Coach Administrators Mario Gonzalez
Humberto Benitez
 [email protected]

Lineup cards

Lineup Cards (or Game Cards)

Example of a completed lineup card
To be completed by the coach ahead of time and handed to the referee BEFORE the game.
List all players in numeric order by jersey number.
Include ALL players, even those that might not be present that day.
You can get lineup cards from the commissioner  or division leader at your field.

We also have lineup cards that can be filled out on your computer and printed on lineup card stock,

8U-14U Line Up Card 2 sided (fill-in pdf)


We Need Volunteer Coaches!

Coaches are at the heart of the AYSO organization, because as a coach you have the most contact with the kids. Coaching requires that you commit to at least one evening per week for practice sessions, plus the game on Saturday. With the time that you should be spending preparing for practices and games, this is a significant commitment of time. We appreciate the time that you have committed, and hope to provide you with advice and assistance to make your coaching experience a positive one.
The rewards come in the form of watching the kids have fun at a game or practice, watching their individual skills and teamwork improve, and there is also a great sense of accomplishment when you reach the end of a season and look back and see how far the team has come.
And for those who have "serious" jobs, there is no better way to regain your perspective than to watch a bunch of 7 year olds at practice.
We provide training, equipment, and all the camaraderie you can stand. We have both men and women all taking part in the fun.  We’d love to have you join us!  
All coach and referee volunteers must complete the online Safe Haven, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training, Concussion Awareness, and SafeSport courses. (not needed if already completed within the last 3 years)

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 19

PO Box 32 
Culver City, California 90232

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 310-559-4559
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